It's much, much harder to get a nickel under nails or other small iron than pennies or higher coins because nails are closer to iron in the conductivity range. There were several detectors, 180 degree disc range Tesoros, Whites Classic II and III, Minelab Musketeer, the X5, even one Fisher and a couple of Garretts that would respond to a penny or dime under the bent nail. The two Sovereigns I had would null with any coin under it. Some detectors would give a one or two way signal with the nickel under the nail, none but the GMT 1650 would give a signal in all directions and would do so until it was out of it's depth range. All the detectors were set to just discriminate out the nail except the Sovereigns and they were set at 0 on the disc control. Try your test again putting a nickel under your iron targets and see what happens.