Its a dream I'm sure many of us have had...good points in the replys too...With the prices of precious metals, and if your location was correct, you might do very well. You definitely have a better chance of finding great wealth than playing the lottery. It might be a meteorite, or a trove, or just a massive amount of bling, Clad stabbin may get you 10 bucks a day, and is fun and a good way to learn how to "read sign" regarding humans, and learn your machine. Every town it seems has a "subsistance hunter" theres a guy here who rides a 3 wheeled bike, and picks up empty cans for a dime a piece, and also swings a coil, He's up early, and out everyday, even in the winter, I suppose he pulls 20 bucks a day on cans, and knocks down some clad and jewelry during the summer..Hes at every sidewalk tear out, under the bleachers after every game, at the beach after every big weekend, ransacking the alleys...I've had to time my schedule to his, to get there first. He doesn't know this of course, and wouldn't know me if he saw me, but I've watched him plenty... Anyway Sammy, good luck, you are just one swing from the treasure, so what are you sitting inside for?..!