New member
Sorry the pic ain't better. They are both heavy like they contain a good deal of lead, but they read smack dab in the pull tab range. They also look lead. A friend once dug a button very much like these (also being lead-like and with the same style) one day when he also dug a civil war infantry button. Another friend I think told him that his button that looks like these two of mine below was also a civil war button, so I'm wondering if by chance these might be perhaps? Probably not but can't hurt to ask. Would either way like to get an idea of their possible age. Don't see any writing on them but haven't washed them off yet. Like I said, they are heavy, and where I scraped one with my digger when digging it it sure looks like lead to me, but I know if it was pure led it would read around the coin range where as both these read right in the middle of the tab VDI range.