goes for-ever, an answer like this, sounds like a case of "no one cares, till you ask". Because EVERY park, in the entire USA, has rules that forbid "destruction" "defacement", "aleration", and so forth. I mean ........ duh. And when you ask enough bored deskbound bureaucrats, they'll search too and fro through their books, and find stuff like this to apply to your "pressing question". When truth be told ......... as long as you're not an eye-sore begging for attention, do you really think anyone cared? (till you asked).
All such verbage, when you think about it, inherently applies to the end result afterall. If you leave no trace of your presence, then by logical deduction, you have not "altered" "destructed", or "defaced" anything, now have you? So by asking, you merely preclude yourself from places where ..... odds are ....... none of those desk-jockey would ever have glanced twice at you. But now that you've asked, guess what's going to happen? They'll remember the earlier inquiry, think "aha, there's one of them", and start booting others.
There are parks all across the USA that are detected all the time, and no one cares. Yet I assure you, they have such non-vandalism verbage. So to think that such clauses automatically applies to you and me, is to have lost the battle already. And to go asking, and get such an answer, is to do nothing more than make yourself a bullseye for a "no", when ..... a lot of times, it wasn't an issue, so long as you're not being a nuisance in some other way, waltzing over beach blankets, and leaving a mess.
So just pick low traffic times, avoid busy-bodies and lookie-lous, and ...... you get the pix.