calabash digger
Let me state first off that I'm coming at this from a relic hunter view point first. Has anybody ever relic hunted on this forum with 28 kh ,54 kh, or 74kh? I know those are gold freqs. About six months ago I guess Deus released the hf coils. I was told they wouldn't help us in the relic game because they ran such high freqs. So I ran mine in 14 kh and left 28kh and 54 kh alone. TNSHARPSHOOTER and others over on another forum kept telling me you need to run the higher freqs back over you iron loaded sites. Well I finally did. It didn't take long to realize after pulling 20 to 25 non ferrous targets from a small area loaded with iron that we pounded with 7kh and 14 kh that something was going on. Some will say your only going to dig small targets with those freqs. that's not entirely true you also dig buttons. giant dandy buttons all the way to cuffs that were masked and the 14 kh couldn't see them. Out of the 20 to 25 targets I dug above 3 or 4 were buttons including a script a war of 1812 button. I have been using this technique for months now and it works . Its a NEW way to relic hunt and it works . I have tested targets and 14 kh might see or 54 kh might see it but one or the other wont see it. Some low conductive buttons hiding in the iron can be ran with over with the deus in 14 kh and will not even peep on it. Switch it to 54 kh and it smacks it. Or vice versa 54 kh might not see it but 14 kh smacks it. How many of you guys have ever tried this?? How many of you guys have even ever heard of this? It works and I know quite a few people who are doing this and making banner finds on other forums doing so. You can take a beat up iron loaded civil war site and go back over it in a higher freq and find targets others detectors just couldn't see in 14kh, 15kh, 17 kh etc.. So now that you know where I'm coming from. This is why the Nox is such a big deal for us. We are now able to hunt with a machine that can run those different freqs at one time and unlock targets that a single freq just cant unlock. I'm not going to say your going to load a 5 gallon bucket up every time using this technique but you will pull a few relics from a beat up site that quit producing long ago doing this. I found a piece of colonial gold in iron in 54 kh doing this on a colonial site that's hard to dig a bb off of. It was only 2 inchs deep. Why had no one found it? It was laying in a spot with dig holes all around. Go check out the video of the deus and nox where I put that gold piece in iron.. Deus cant see it in 14kh , nor can the F75 or the AT GOLD. Deus will hit in 54 kh .... That's where I'm coming from guys...