I'm looking at being able to beach hunt a lot more in the near future and would like to get a good scoop. I'd like to hear what properties you all look for in a scoop, notably handle angle, hole size, mouth shape and anything else that matters. I'll be hunting sandy beaches almost exclusively, so I'm not so concerned about hard or rocky bottoms. Please tell me WHY you like what you like.
So far, all I have used is a cheap aluminum 90degree angle scoop with 1/2" square mesh. I knew it would wear out quickly when I got it (its holding together surprisingly well tho) and hoped for it to just last until I decided what I did and didn't like about it. Weight wont really be a problem for now. My frontrunner is currently the TRex in some form. What say the hive mind on scoops?
So far, all I have used is a cheap aluminum 90degree angle scoop with 1/2" square mesh. I knew it would wear out quickly when I got it (its holding together surprisingly well tho) and hoped for it to just last until I decided what I did and didn't like about it. Weight wont really be a problem for now. My frontrunner is currently the TRex in some form. What say the hive mind on scoops?