This is a sad but funny story!! Today I hit the beach with my Excal and was tooling down the lane when I noticed a young fellow heading towards me with what turned out to be a brand spankin new Etrac, He asked if I had found any gold, The answer was I never find gold, He showed me the Etrac and said it was the greatest detector ever and he was sure to find riches with it, He walked out in the water and a bit alarmed I told him to be careful not to get the control housing wet, He got a bit upset about me sticking my nose into his business and informed me that it could be used underwater, I said that the coil could, At that point he asked me what I could possibly know about such a modern machine? ( At this point I have to tell you that I am 75 years old and have been swinging more than a few years.) Anyway I conceded that he was right, Well the boy genius walked out about waist deep and promptly fell on his wise azz, This is when he learned that the Etrac can,t swim or float and he learned that it is not submersible, When he came out he said "Thats ok because I have three years of warranty"