I've put together a couple of the things that I've found over the past few months that I know virtually nothing about, any info. that any can provide would be appreciated.
Item 1: Three small pieces of lead...possibly buttons?
Item 2: the circular piece was attached to the (clasp?) until I picked them up, then they fell apart.
Item 3: made of lead (an old bullet?)
Item 4: also lead (I have no idea)
Item 5: Clearly a whistle top says (Acme Thunder Made in England) and one side says (Wilson Made in England) any idea on age?
Thanks in advance for any info. that anyone provides.
I've put together a couple of the things that I've found over the past few months that I know virtually nothing about, any info. that any can provide would be appreciated.
Item 1: Three small pieces of lead...possibly buttons?
Item 2: the circular piece was attached to the (clasp?) until I picked them up, then they fell apart.
Item 3: made of lead (an old bullet?)
Item 4: also lead (I have no idea)
Item 5: Clearly a whistle top says (Acme Thunder Made in England) and one side says (Wilson Made in England) any idea on age?
Thanks in advance for any info. that anyone provides.