Yesterday was family day in Edmonton, which means that most businesses shut down so families could spend the day together. I wasn't so lucky....I had to work.

I had some luck too! A little on the cool side, but the loot gods were generous, as I found many one and two dollar coins. I was also rewarded with my first gold "BLING"....a nice gold ring. In fact, it was my first gold ring I ever got on a snow hill. I have had silver ones before, but this was definitely a first.

Here are the totals from nearly 3 hours of hunting in the tundra. About three coins had to be hacked out of the ground below the snow.

Here's the ring from todays tundra digs....it's very special, as it's my first ring of the year AND my first gold ring ever found in the snow on a hill. My wife thinks it's a family ring, each stone representing a family member.
And finally, the day had to end. I managed to witness another beautiful sunset, one of life's simple pleasures!