shawnIN said:
Supposed to be a high of 10. Ground frozen solid .
I know this is the time of year to do research, but I hate being stuck inside. Here is what I was thinking. Detecting without digging. If we can get a few days that are too darn cold, was thinking about hitting some parks and looking for targets,, making notes, and returning when the ground is not frozen. Any thoughts? Something to do I guess until the spring thaw.
Shawn, yep, far as i'm concerned, this is indeed the time of the year, especially this year to do research in nice warm areas.
My detecting gear is mothballed until more reasonable weather maybe March but could be June if this is the beginnings of a new ice age!
Just curious with you guys looking for deep oldies in this @#$%^ Winter;
-with the ground frozen down to a couple feet or more, how are your detectors acting?
-how are you marking those targets? GPS or other?