I'm new here and to detecting. I've been a placer miner for, well, sometime now.
Wanted a detector to go over my tailings.
I picked up a Gold Bug from Cabellas in Nov.
I've read several posts here, and can't seem to find anything on how to determine which version I have.
There seems to be what, 3 different versions of the Gold Bug?
The box only says "Gold Bug", there isn't any "SE".
I understand that there is a prob with the F-5 manual, is that so with the Gold Bug manual too?
I have been working the driveway and front yard area cleaning up nails, screws, bolts and such. Even made some money, one quarter, a dime and three pennies. I get a kick every time the detector goes off.
Can't wait for next spring, when I can take it up on the claim.
Wanted a detector to go over my tailings.
I picked up a Gold Bug from Cabellas in Nov.
I've read several posts here, and can't seem to find anything on how to determine which version I have.
There seems to be what, 3 different versions of the Gold Bug?
The box only says "Gold Bug", there isn't any "SE".
I understand that there is a prob with the F-5 manual, is that so with the Gold Bug manual too?
I have been working the driveway and front yard area cleaning up nails, screws, bolts and such. Even made some money, one quarter, a dime and three pennies. I get a kick every time the detector goes off.
Can't wait for next spring, when I can take it up on the claim.