If I can get out at all this weekend, I have been thinking about trying the C$ in heavy iron with the small coil again. Most of the sites I have available to me now are sites that have been hit, but hold small coins & buttons amid the iron. This recent silver "HB" ring & 1799 1/2 Reale I posted came from an iron loaded site we hunted 40 times before....
When I did the Sunray 5'5" coil test, I did it mainly with the Edge as it was the newer machine at the time. I really need to get the small coil more useage on the C$. (so many toy's so little time). I have been using the T2 more than anything lately, and thanks to some settings from NASA Tom I can get it working well in trash with that DD coil. His iron setting is to hear some iron, or turn down the disc and purposely make it chattery so the disc does not mask items. I'm supposing now that the C$ would work similar in iron with say a disc setting of say 55 rather than the typical 99 most of us run that nulls iron. I believe Jackpine has mentioned letting in some iron in this way?? This will certainly make the C$ very loud & chattery for some folks, & may take me some experimentation on the disc. Maybe 65 will be better or enough? But, I'm thinking maybe the C$ & small coil could let me eke out a few more goodies around the square nail infested foundations I have. Possibly more than the much larger coil of the T2? I may even try this side by side with the T2 for a little while this weekend and see what happens. I have been going back to cellar holes to experiment with diff. detectors & settings/coils, and pulling out little flat buttons & such. Though not "great" finds, I consider each one a success as it's a colonial item missed by past units. Going 14" deep or whatever is not the key at these sites, it's getting into the iron. I've also had some success just watching positive numbers flash on the screens of the C$/Excel/ Edge amid all the negatives & dig to see. Not foolproof but has worked for me at times....
When I did the Sunray 5'5" coil test, I did it mainly with the Edge as it was the newer machine at the time. I really need to get the small coil more useage on the C$. (so many toy's so little time). I have been using the T2 more than anything lately, and thanks to some settings from NASA Tom I can get it working well in trash with that DD coil. His iron setting is to hear some iron, or turn down the disc and purposely make it chattery so the disc does not mask items. I'm supposing now that the C$ would work similar in iron with say a disc setting of say 55 rather than the typical 99 most of us run that nulls iron. I believe Jackpine has mentioned letting in some iron in this way?? This will certainly make the C$ very loud & chattery for some folks, & may take me some experimentation on the disc. Maybe 65 will be better or enough? But, I'm thinking maybe the C$ & small coil could let me eke out a few more goodies around the square nail infested foundations I have. Possibly more than the much larger coil of the T2? I may even try this side by side with the T2 for a little while this weekend and see what happens. I have been going back to cellar holes to experiment with diff. detectors & settings/coils, and pulling out little flat buttons & such. Though not "great" finds, I consider each one a success as it's a colonial item missed by past units. Going 14" deep or whatever is not the key at these sites, it's getting into the iron. I've also had some success just watching positive numbers flash on the screens of the C$/Excel/ Edge amid all the negatives & dig to see. Not foolproof but has worked for me at times....