New member
Good day all. I'm looking for a new detector and have $400 that my wife said I could spend and also a few hundred that I can cough up through other side jobs. I started off using a whites classic ID SL in 97'after I did my 4 years in the Corps. and bought a DFX years later (I frequented the DFX Only forum here when Dave Z was alive) that was traded for a Shadow X5. I recently had an opportunity to use a Fisher F-22 and was much impressed with how far the machines have come over the years and how inexpensive a good model can still be. I'm looking for a machine that is reliable, can compete with other deep Seekers but doesn't cost an arm and a leg. ( I got out of detecting for a while because I found fly tying and fly fishing and realized that the river were rhe stocked with fish unlike the ground with coins and buttons LOL) I also don't mind a detector that is good on batteries LOL. I hunt in Upstate New York York and New England and I don't know if that is considered highly mineralized soil or not. I go to the beach once in a blue moon to detect but most of the time I fish. I don't mind tweaking a machine and learning it but don't like one that falses all the time and has major e m i trouble. I hunt a lot of old Cellar holes, old parks, and also fields with a lot of Old Iron nails. I'm looking for something that has tone ID but I don't really have to look at the screen all the time. The classic ID had a great screen and you could tell if it was a nickel or a pull tab but I don't really need perfect vdi numbers. I'm on the fence but I was thinking an F75 with DST, the Equinox, or the makro multi kruzer or any other suggestions. I'm also willing to put my shadow X5 towards it with the 7 inch and 5 inch coils even though I like that unit my buddy is giving me an AT Pro as well that I'm sure is comprable to the X5. I really appreciate all the help and I don't mind sounding like a newbie it's kind of cool to get back into detecting after fly fishing obsessively for so long.