I got to hunt about 30 minutes today and the E-TRAC snagged this cuff button. It looks to be copper pressed into and around a back. The loop on the back looks like it is attached to a short pin that goes sideways. It is an eagle with an I or a 1 on the shield. It came from a Confederate site that also saw a little federal activity. The site has been pounded and it was not deep... go figure...
Anyway, i'm not sure what it is. Also when I cleaned it up it started to oxidize and quickly turned very green. I didn't know what to do so I put a light coat of canola oil on it to try and stop the oxidization, it seemed ot help. What should I do and can you ID it ?
Anyway, i'm not sure what it is. Also when I cleaned it up it started to oxidize and quickly turned very green. I didn't know what to do so I put a light coat of canola oil on it to try and stop the oxidization, it seemed ot help. What should I do and can you ID it ?