I had a few hours after work before I got home and hit a local park. banged out some clad in the new part of the park, and found an old buffalo head nickle (cant make out the date) in an older hunted out part of the park.
The buffalo was near a huge old tree and as I found out, a lot of nickles get discriminated out, and people don't dig them. One perk I like so far on my new V3i is that if it's a VDI of 19, the high spectragraph bar, and a certain sound I got to know... it's a nickle every time. I took some time and made a 'park' program for the V3i that mimicks the Etrac one that I know so well and like. The tones, recovery speed, and VDI groupings.
The surprise for m was not that it was not a nickle... but a buffalo!
For some reason, I like buffalos and wheaties just as much as the silver... Nothing beats gold though!
The buffalo was near a huge old tree and as I found out, a lot of nickles get discriminated out, and people don't dig them. One perk I like so far on my new V3i is that if it's a VDI of 19, the high spectragraph bar, and a certain sound I got to know... it's a nickle every time. I took some time and made a 'park' program for the V3i that mimicks the Etrac one that I know so well and like. The tones, recovery speed, and VDI groupings.
The surprise for m was not that it was not a nickle... but a buffalo!
For some reason, I like buffalos and wheaties just as much as the silver... Nothing beats gold though!