There is just so much more usable information provided by the smartscreen as compared to "flashing numbers" IMHO.
Most of my best silver coin finds have come when the cursor dances and flutters along the top right 50% horizontal edge of the screen,,,,then moves towards the top right corner.
When it does the dance...then flutters and stays towards the top left center where my iron mask is set is usually junk or iron.
If you spend your time watching for that textbook hit where the cursor will peg somewhere in the top right are gonna' be very bored and very disappointed. Most of those types of hits disappeared from sites nearly 10 years ago.
On a deep Injun the Explorers can do an unmistakabale "stairway walk" that definitely helps ID them. This is a perfect example of whre flashing numbers on a digital screen are worthless to me.
On many indian head hits the cursor will start on the right edge about 50% of the way down...then dance or walk "up the stairs" to the left.
Regardless of what your settings are or where the gain, sensitivity, etc. are set at...the cursor wll not peg and stay anywhere UNLESS you have run accross a "textbook" hit...and again...those are few and far between unless it's shallow clad.
You will begin to see a pattern form with cursor movement over deep coins and junk only after you have spent a lot of time learning the explorer language. If you take the needed time to learn what it's saying will be justly rewared.
The other side to this is...if you have learned the machine in digital mode and are happy with your finds....then why switch?
If what you are doing is working for you...keep on doing it.
We all have out own preference as to settings and as to what works for us.