Bryce-IL my hats off to you on your honest post about the ctx.Finding coins missed by other mine lab detectors yes me to at shallow depths, nickels yes my bin is set high for nickles so far since i had the ctx i have found 14 v nickels more than i found in the last 2 years and in a little over 2 months.As for raw depth 1 dime at 10 inches 3 penny's at 9 to 9 1/2 inches my area just doesn't have supper deep coins as far as the se going deeper maybe maybe not i wouldn't know don't have one. 6 inch coil yes up to 9 inches for me.Price yes ungodly expensive but then again what would the price of a new ctx 6060 be in 3 years from now .The best part of the ctx is it is very easy to use compared to the explorer yes i have a exp 2 for 5 years and like it.Very easy to swing learning curve very fast compared to the explores machine dose more of the work ,Faster making more targets analysed in a shorter time Unknown ctx updates target trace more time on the detector .