Pete in MI
New member
Went out detecting yesterday at the same playground I did the day before - fewer kids and I didn't dress like Santa - I dressed warm 
Started out fairly nice around 2 PM then the winds came. Had to pull the hood up over my head to help keep from losing more body heat and freezing my ears.
Stayed out as long as I could and realized others have hit this playground or the kids are all broke. Wound up with 1 nickle, 1 dime, 9 pennies, a charm with the dollar sign (with the 2 II in the S), a small fishing weight, a pointed stud like you see on dog collars and kid's gloves so they can look mean, piece of metal with "Playart Datsun 240Z", the lead head from a .22 cal bullet, a prong from an electrical plug and a couple other odds and ends - unidentifiable.
Wasn't a great day but still enjoyed myself. Took a bunch of pictures.
Would have posted sme but they are too big. Need to shrink em down some. Maybe post them later.
Got to get ready for church. Have a great day everyone one.
Started out fairly nice around 2 PM then the winds came. Had to pull the hood up over my head to help keep from losing more body heat and freezing my ears.
Stayed out as long as I could and realized others have hit this playground or the kids are all broke. Wound up with 1 nickle, 1 dime, 9 pennies, a charm with the dollar sign (with the 2 II in the S), a small fishing weight, a pointed stud like you see on dog collars and kid's gloves so they can look mean, piece of metal with "Playart Datsun 240Z", the lead head from a .22 cal bullet, a prong from an electrical plug and a couple other odds and ends - unidentifiable.
Wasn't a great day but still enjoyed myself. Took a bunch of pictures.
Would have posted sme but they are too big. Need to shrink em down some. Maybe post them later.
Got to get ready for church. Have a great day everyone one.