My first post here, and I would like to say Thanks, you folks have been a wealth of information.
Ordered my 2500 tuesday and it came in today!
Assembly was easy, the book and movie are nice, to say the least.
A friend with a Garrett Master Hunter started me off in 1982. We searched all over the Garrett dealers in south Louisiana, but no one stocked the Master Hunter.
Well a dealer in Baton Rouge assured me that the Compass Coin Magnum was a superior machine, and I fell for it.
That Green machine my friend had kicked my butt every time we went out. The only time I found anyting of value was when he loaned it to me.
I kept sending the Compass back to the factory and they would change parts and return it to me, but all it seemed to love was bones and had an uncanny ability to find pennies and aluminum.
The straw that broke the camels back was when I was at a backyard volleyball game, and my buddies daughter lost her newly obtained graduation ring while hitting the volleyball. Every body backed off and we flagged off the area of probability and possibility.
We searched for an hour or so but only recovered a hand full of pennies. One of the other kids loaned me his ring, we placed it on the ground in plain sight and the old Compass just ignored it!
I finally gave The Compass to a kid in the neighborhood and gave up the hobby.
Since I am close to retireing,and time will be in abundance, I bought the Garrett, and now have me a green machine, and can't wait to learn how to use it.
<img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
Ordered my 2500 tuesday and it came in today!
Assembly was easy, the book and movie are nice, to say the least.
A friend with a Garrett Master Hunter started me off in 1982. We searched all over the Garrett dealers in south Louisiana, but no one stocked the Master Hunter.
Well a dealer in Baton Rouge assured me that the Compass Coin Magnum was a superior machine, and I fell for it.
That Green machine my friend had kicked my butt every time we went out. The only time I found anyting of value was when he loaned it to me.
I kept sending the Compass back to the factory and they would change parts and return it to me, but all it seemed to love was bones and had an uncanny ability to find pennies and aluminum.
The straw that broke the camels back was when I was at a backyard volleyball game, and my buddies daughter lost her newly obtained graduation ring while hitting the volleyball. Every body backed off and we flagged off the area of probability and possibility.
We searched for an hour or so but only recovered a hand full of pennies. One of the other kids loaned me his ring, we placed it on the ground in plain sight and the old Compass just ignored it!
I finally gave The Compass to a kid in the neighborhood and gave up the hobby.
Since I am close to retireing,and time will be in abundance, I bought the Garrett, and now have me a green machine, and can't wait to learn how to use it.
<img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="