I was off yesterday and driving around after hitting a couple of tot lots with little to no luck (1 - 2001 Dime). With just a short time to hunt before picking my daughter up from school, I remembered that the city/county I live in had closed an old section of a highway running south into N.C. to make into a city park and walking trail. So I decided to venture out there, when I remembered that there was an old road side pull off with park about 3/4 of a mile from the start of the walking trail. I had stopped there a few years back and thought that I remembered that the old picnic table had a written in date of 1950 on it. I got alot of hits in the 20 mins or so that I walked around but I only dug on one, due to time. To my surprise about 2 inches down under the ground moss and pine needles was my very first Wheat Penny (1940). I had to get back to the car after that but when I did I took and drew a map of the wayside park and marked all the hits that I got. I will be going back when the weather clears up. Will let you all know if it was worth a second trip.