New member
I just bought a brand new Excalibur II 1000 before the price increase well i charged the battery for 20 hours and it warmed up to 50 here in Michigan so i took it out side in the yard to test and i think i have a problem when i turn it on and adjust the threshold everything sounds normal than if i go over a bobbie pin it nulls out but when i move off the iron the threshold is a real low pitch buzz and wont change back to normal till i go over a good target then the threshhold goes to normal pitch just like when the detector is first turned on.I tried all different sensitivity settings with no change.Do i have a problem as I'm new to this machine I'm going to post in several forums to try to get the most response before i call minlab so please don't get upset if you see this post in another forum thanks in advance for all the responses Darren Holz