If you're not finding "all that much" I guess you mean not many "good" targets? No matter where I detect, I'll aways find some junk and not much worth keeping. I don't often hunt at schoolyards or homes, so where i'm usually hunting I find that nails or rusty tin cans far outnumber the few "keepers." Around here, the "keepers" might be iron relics, so I kinda hate to disc out anything on the chance one of the rejected targets might end up to be a worthwhile item.
If you're not finding much of anything at all, maybe your discrimination is set too high or there is some other problem with your settings or possibly the machine. The best way to see for yourself what's going on is to toss down a few coins and maybe a ring or any item of the sort you'd hope or expect to find at the sites you're hunting at. If you can set your detector to read those items and reject some common junk like nails or pulltabs, that would be a good setting to start with.
Gold and silver, both as native nuggets or as jewelery, can come in at a wide-range of ID. The two together might cover the entire "ID" range of your machine. Generally speaking, gold will read low, from the upper range of iron into the pulltab category, while silver might read from there to the very top. There are so many alloys of gold and silver with each other and other metals, in varied shapes and sizes, that no detector can squeeze these readings into a neat and tidy ID category.
Just another reason to go ahead and hunt with discrimination, but sometimes it pays to check every signal with no disc at all, at least until you gain familiarity with your detector and how it works at those places you hunt with it. As you learn, you'll be able to revisit the places you've hunted before and find new items.