I think this subject will be useful to many. Last season I related to Greg that my detecting days were becoming futher apart due to pain in my hip and knee. Years ago I fell 10 ft to the concrete, not good for the hip, then last year I went full weight down on a very sharp rock on my knee. It was almost impossible to get down to dig without alot of pain.
Long story short, bought a mini-trampoline- a good one - last thing I expected was for it to make my joints better but it worked. Also I tried glyconutrients at the same time, no I am not trying to sell you somthing. I started off real slow and several months later I am about as good as new again. No drugs, no surgery or replacement parts. I have seen it work for others as well. Hope this helps.
Long story short, bought a mini-trampoline- a good one - last thing I expected was for it to make my joints better but it worked. Also I tried glyconutrients at the same time, no I am not trying to sell you somthing. I started off real slow and several months later I am about as good as new again. No drugs, no surgery or replacement parts. I have seen it work for others as well. Hope this helps.