I was surprised with number of bottle caps also. I hit a small park near my house this morning. The park is about the size of two football fields and I had covered it pretty well in the past with my MXT. Today I took the F75 there thinking I might find a ring or something I missed before with the MXT. I was surprised when I got signals all over the place, many in the penny, dime and quarter range. Unfortunately after a couple of hours I had about 35 bottle caps, 7 pull tabs, one dime, one copper penny and two zinc pennies. I had pulled over $16.00 worth of change out of this little park in just four or five hunts with my MXT in the past, and I remember pulling only two or three bottle caps. This was first time I realized there could be so many bottle caps in that small area. To be honest, maybe one in five of those caps, I could have guessed it was going to be a bottle cap by looking at the meter, but most of them showed like a penny, dime, or quarter. I never had this problem with my MXT and to be honest, I'm disappointed about that. I was hoping the F75 was going to cut down on my trash digging, but it appears it has increased it. These caps weren't just recently thrown down either. They were all anywhere from one to four inches in the ground. I hate to say this since I just paid nearly a thousand dollars for my detector, but it looks like my MXT cleared out the good stuff and left the trash for me to find with my F75. I do have to admit, my arm isn't as sore as it normally is after the hunt. The light weight of the detector is great and to be fair, I never put the detector into the bottle cap reject mode during this trip. Next time I go, I will intentionally reject the bottle caps and see if that doesn't make the hunt a bit more pleasurable. As far as an answer to your question...well, I don't have one yet. Hopefully the bottle cap reject mode will solve this. Maybe give that a try.