with me being sick as a dog since 7pm the night before. I guess I ate something that didn't agree with me and I paid the price. Almost 48 hours later and I'm beginning to feel somewhat normal, if that's possible. Other than that a spectacular cruise. Hit the little local beaches when we arrived in Nassau. My daughter was with me so we snorkelled mostly and that was a blast. I did hit two of the beaches and am glad I brought the excal. A tremendous amount of iron on the bottom as one can imagine. I found lots of coins and pull tabs galore. Unfortunately not the first ring. If I would have been solo I would have gone to the public beaches in front of Paradise Island but that will have to wait for another day. The next day the boat anchored off of Little Stirrup Cay, a private island that is owned by Carnival. My daughter was with me on the first launch knowing that this was MY day and she would be snorkeling with Mama. I found the first ring within 20 minutes. Then another, then some more. I had 5 in less than 2 hours. I left the cove I was in and moved to the next. That's where I felt the dreaded scalloped out bottom of another pirate before me. The next two coves were more of the same, scalloped shallow holes that only the trained foot like we have know what made them. Anyway, went back to the original cove and of course the last ring of the day was a mans 14 kt with 8 diamonds. The ladies ring I believe is fake because the metal looks somewhat like copper. I'll get it tested one day. Sorry for the long post. By the way no one gave me a hard time anywhere.