I have ordered a Blisstool, but I'm not giving up my Excal or Sovereign GT either. For detectors, I would much rather reach conclusions based on personal experience. Learning from others is fine, speculating is fine to an extent, but learning the tool and drawing my own conclusions is what matters most to me.
Metal detecting IS speculating to no small extent. Removing all the high-end processors, screens that can't be seen in sunlight, sub-menus and such, and getting back to basic "user running the machinery" instead of the machinery running the user isn't all bad either. I don't mind that I will have to use dials and switches to tune the thing - it doesn't bother me that I have to understand how the machine works, and how its controls interact with each other in order to tune it to whatever conditions I am in. It's not bad having auto settings or presets either. But I do think there is something to computer "over processing" sometimes.
A new machine has been designed, and I'm interested in finding out, for my self, what it will do or not. That's the bottom line for me.
Rather than saying what it will or won't do, I decided to find out for my self by getting one. I'm sure I will have to take a lot of notes to learn how best to use this tool. But I'm not going to say that the manufacturing claims are false, or true, just because I haven't used one yet. I wasn't using and MD when the Excalibur first came out, but I bet there were arguments about what it could or couldn't do before many people had one in their own hands, struggling with grasping the how and why of settings, soil conditions, iron, etc.
It's nice to find out about the tuned coils too. Barry, thanks for your part in bringing the BT to the USA.