earthlypotluck --
I'll second those settings you are using. Those are almost identical to where I settled with my Equinox, after lots of testing in my test garden, followed by "real world" hunts to confirm. Multitone (50 tones) was a given for me, coming from other Minelabs (CTX and Explorers), as there is very rich information in all those tones, as you know, once you learn how to "speak the language." I run sensitivity as high as is possible, based on the site/EMI -- usually at least 23, whenever I can pull it off without too much chatter. I experimented quite a bit with recovery speeds, and 3 or 4 are what "work best" for me, and my ears, and seem to give the best depth. DEFINITELY all-metal mode, I want to hear the iron! The only difference, is I set my iron bias at "2," and have always just left it there. I'm going to switch to zero, though, based on your (and Tom D's) advice, and get used to that. Finally, and I think this is as much of a key as any, and you NAILED it -- swing FBS/BBS SLOW!
There are VERY few people, in my opinion, aside from savvy, long-time users, who swing a Minelab slow enough, ESPECIALLY new users, and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY new Equinox users. I think "fast recovery speeds" touted with the Equinox seems to have implied to many folks that you can "swing quickly," and in my experience, NOTHING is further from the truth. Better separation, better depth, and ABSOLUTELY LESS iron falsing will occur, when swinging ultra-slow...(and final thought -- the "Minelab wiggle" is, to me, the final key...)