Okay my memorials come in at 43 to 44 almost all the time this is a problem I agree but my quarters come spot on at 45 to 46 as far as memorials coming in at 43 to 44 my silver dimes 90 percent of the time come in at the same #s.There's a million variables to this but he's right on the memorials I agree 100 percent this however does not concern me because all my #s are wrong where I hunt.I hunt a very trashy fair ground and I expect the #s to be wrong.Take a clean spot and place a dime or quarter 2 inches from a pull tab now sweep with coin right to left the #s are all wrong jumping all over the screen is in a meteorite shower mode and you will pass on this dig now approach from north to south as the coil hit's the coin the #s are correct but as you center the target the #s get screw up I use a 6 inch coil all the time and this is just a fact of life the stock coil is twice as bad because of the size of it 2 or 3 targets at once under the coil at 1 time always where I hunt.If you go to separate these signals they come in pretty reliable that' is pinpointing with the tip of the coil as you approach the target.Where I hunt a solid pull tab hit does not make me stop and investigate that is the target trace is solid red filled it's the pull tab hit with the meteor shower hit that interest me I will circle this target to see what's mixed with it sometimes there is a coin there if you hit it from the edge of the mass of signals as far as the screen displaying 2 or 3 target's at once it works only if you have enough space between them but if there close 2 inch or less they combine and give a average of the signals you would be surprised how many good coins come in at 30 to 35 and are silver because of this averaging out . The target trace is 100 percent more accurate than the #s this I means that the #s will be wrong but the trace will fill at the right #s and the #s on the screen will be wrong.This works if you try and separate the targets before pinpointing and mark where the high is coming from mentally on the ground and then tying to pinpoint it.As far as cherry picking dimes and quarters I don't to much good stuff will be missed doing this where I hunt because I;m hunting old coins in trash.One thing I would mention if you hunt trash you will be light years ahead in how this detector operates I find new things daily with these detector in the trash as compared to a place that has few targets.If anybody has anything to add I would appreciate it .Thanks sube