Hit that area again today and got a couple more dollars. While I'm working the area, a guy swinging a Nox walks into the area. I take my headphones off and wave and he ignores me; just keeps sweeping right around my feet. I moved away some, put the headphones back on and needed to move further away to get rid of the interference from the Nox.
He was digging deep holes and not seeming to come up with much. I don't think he has been at it very long.
I headed up the beach for a while. On the way back through, heading home, he decides he wants to talk. He says all he has found are pennies. I worked into the water about calf deep and dug a quarter, then a dime, then another quarter. Showed him the last quarter I had just dug and showed him where I got it. I think there is more to be had from this spot but we are heading home and having dinner with our son, who is local to the area, before we head home.
Got another $6.92 today and a big multi-tool that is corroded up. Looks like it is stainless, so I'll try soaking it in oil when we get home to see if I can get it all loosened up.