Hi, your valued comments appreciated. Apart from covering the ground faster, is there any advantage in using one of the larger diameter coils compared to the Explorers stock 10" coil?
I search on open grassland, ploughed land & wheat stubble. I already have an 8" coil for woodland and maize stubble. All sites are almost trash free. Is the WOT an advantage compared to the Sunray 12.5"...which of these two pinpoints better? What is the down side, if any? Thanks in advance guys
I search on open grassland, ploughed land & wheat stubble. I already have an 8" coil for woodland and maize stubble. All sites are almost trash free. Is the WOT an advantage compared to the Sunray 12.5"...which of these two pinpoints better? What is the down side, if any? Thanks in advance guys