Thanks to Brad and Dave...I have a new place to hunt. It's actually not a new place and has been hammered for years by a group of 4 guys...BUT it has not been "Minelabbed"...and definitely not been "Explored"
We have been here a couple of times now but have not narrowed down the spot enough to find out where the coins are. We were just told by the landowner that it had been hunted often in the past years...and it is a huge area. I mean acres and acres.
Tonight I started out in the grassy ditch surrounding the field in hopes of at least hitting something that would tell us we were in the right area.
It wasn't long before I got the "warble"...and the "silver dance along the top". However this warble had a strange "ka-thunk" sound at the end of it.
The cursor even danced to the right edge..then down the right side 1/4" or so.
I dug down into the sand/ dirt mix and thought I caught the glimpse of a stinkin' screw cap....but I was wrong.
I popped out the sand/mud clump and could clearly see silver along the edge.
[attachment 193797 bigsilver.jpg]
I then turned the clump on it's side and saw the big reeded edge.What a shocker to see.
[attachment 193798 bigsilver2.jpg]
I rubbed the mud/sand mix off to get a better look at it and saw it was a 1934.
[attachment 193811 bigsilver4.jpg] [attachment 193800 bigsilver5.jpg]
We then wandered out into the field to try and get an idea of the "hot spot". I told Dave and Brad that the three of us should stand about 4 rows apart and just start walkin' a straight line until one of us hopefully hit a coin.
[attachment 193801 braddave.jpg]
This was just such a huge area and I thought if we could hit a coin out would at least give us some hope that we were getting close.
After 30 minutes I still had no signals to investigate...and I'm talkin' even no lower conductors.
Finally I got 2 or 3 different low hits which turned out to be broken bottle/screwtops...but at least there were signals.
I then got a nickel type hit so I decided to check it out. I couldn't believe it when a nickel actually came to light.
It was an 1887 V-Nickel....our first "field" we now knew we were in the right area.
[attachment 193802 braddave2.jpg]
I told Brad and Dave to move in on my turf and to start Hammerin' the snot out of it with me.
Trust me...they moved right in...and with lightning speed.
Within 30 minutes Dave popped out a sweet old injun'...then a second one.
[attachment 193803 braddave3.jpg]
I told him..."Man I wish B-Rad would pop something out"...and sure enough he soon did.
I heard him hollerin' through my headphones. "Hey I got something"...."don't know what it is...but it's silver"
I went running over and B-Rad had this little kid smile on his face. I was so stoked for him that I did exactly what he has done to me in the past. I snatched the coin out of his hand and excitedly started rubbing the snot out of it.
I gave it back to him so he and Dave could rub the snot out of it some more
[attachment 193804 braddave4.jpg].
It doesn't get a whole lot better than that. We each found old coins...and Brad got his first ever silver coin.
B-Rad has started his detecting career in style. His first ever coin dug was not clad or a wheatie...but an old green injun' a few weeks ago.
Tonight he found his first ever silver coin but decided to skip the Mercs and roosies and head right to the Barber instead...with a 1911....and it was every bit of 10" deep.
[attachment 193805 braddave5.jpg]
CONGRATS B-RAD on your first ever silver coin. I know you will never forget it...and I'm glad Dave and I could share it with you.
We have been here a couple of times now but have not narrowed down the spot enough to find out where the coins are. We were just told by the landowner that it had been hunted often in the past years...and it is a huge area. I mean acres and acres.
Tonight I started out in the grassy ditch surrounding the field in hopes of at least hitting something that would tell us we were in the right area.
It wasn't long before I got the "warble"...and the "silver dance along the top". However this warble had a strange "ka-thunk" sound at the end of it.
The cursor even danced to the right edge..then down the right side 1/4" or so.
I dug down into the sand/ dirt mix and thought I caught the glimpse of a stinkin' screw cap....but I was wrong.
I popped out the sand/mud clump and could clearly see silver along the edge.
[attachment 193797 bigsilver.jpg]
I then turned the clump on it's side and saw the big reeded edge.What a shocker to see.
[attachment 193798 bigsilver2.jpg]
I rubbed the mud/sand mix off to get a better look at it and saw it was a 1934.
[attachment 193811 bigsilver4.jpg] [attachment 193800 bigsilver5.jpg]
We then wandered out into the field to try and get an idea of the "hot spot". I told Dave and Brad that the three of us should stand about 4 rows apart and just start walkin' a straight line until one of us hopefully hit a coin.
[attachment 193801 braddave.jpg]
This was just such a huge area and I thought if we could hit a coin out would at least give us some hope that we were getting close.
After 30 minutes I still had no signals to investigate...and I'm talkin' even no lower conductors.
Finally I got 2 or 3 different low hits which turned out to be broken bottle/screwtops...but at least there were signals.
I then got a nickel type hit so I decided to check it out. I couldn't believe it when a nickel actually came to light.
It was an 1887 V-Nickel....our first "field" we now knew we were in the right area.
[attachment 193802 braddave2.jpg]
I told Brad and Dave to move in on my turf and to start Hammerin' the snot out of it with me.
Trust me...they moved right in...and with lightning speed.
Within 30 minutes Dave popped out a sweet old injun'...then a second one.
[attachment 193803 braddave3.jpg]
I told him..."Man I wish B-Rad would pop something out"...and sure enough he soon did.
I heard him hollerin' through my headphones. "Hey I got something"...."don't know what it is...but it's silver"
I went running over and B-Rad had this little kid smile on his face. I was so stoked for him that I did exactly what he has done to me in the past. I snatched the coin out of his hand and excitedly started rubbing the snot out of it.
I gave it back to him so he and Dave could rub the snot out of it some more
[attachment 193804 braddave4.jpg].
It doesn't get a whole lot better than that. We each found old coins...and Brad got his first ever silver coin.
B-Rad has started his detecting career in style. His first ever coin dug was not clad or a wheatie...but an old green injun' a few weeks ago.
Tonight he found his first ever silver coin but decided to skip the Mercs and roosies and head right to the Barber instead...with a 1911....and it was every bit of 10" deep.
[attachment 193805 braddave5.jpg]
CONGRATS B-RAD on your first ever silver coin. I know you will never forget it...and I'm glad Dave and I could share it with you.