New member
got out yesterday for 8 hours +.
the first beach i was going to hit was sanded it so i moved to a likely looking spot a bit farther up the bay were the sand had been washed away. the area was loaded with coins, sinkers & heavy junk so i was hoping to get some gold here but it didn't happen
the highlights at this spot were a 1882 half penny ( this is my first 100 + year old coin outta the water ) a 1914 silver two shilling/florin ( about the same size as a US half dollar ) & a 1921 silver sixpence i also found 3 more silver florins from the 40s-50s an unidentified silver threepence + a pile of Penny's.
at 11:30 i headed over to my old faith full beach as the water was getting to deep.
i was finding the odd coin & small bits of lead + the usual junk when out pops another 1914 coin a penny wow two 95 year old coins in one day
a little later on after removing a choppy junk signal i get a faint signal about 2 inch away after digging a DEEP hole out pops an old silver ring with a sparkler in it
then about 10 foot away i get a silver wave ring this is wave ring number 8-9 i think after that all i found was coins & junk.
so all up i had a great day out even without finding any yellow stuff, i got 124 coins, two silver rings, about 1kg of lead & a pile of cool do-dads to add to the collection.
the loot
[attachment 127562 2009_0523xmas08home0060.JPG]
the lead
[attachment 127563 2009_0523xmas08home0061.JPG]
junk & stuff
[attachment 127564 2009_0523xmas08home0062.JPG]
silver rings
[attachment 127565 2009_0523xmas08home0065.JPG]
silver & copper oldies
[attachment 127566 2009_0523xmas08home0066.JPG]
my best old coins of the day
[attachment 127567 2009_0523xmas08home0067.JPG]
the first beach i was going to hit was sanded it so i moved to a likely looking spot a bit farther up the bay were the sand had been washed away. the area was loaded with coins, sinkers & heavy junk so i was hoping to get some gold here but it didn't happen

at 11:30 i headed over to my old faith full beach as the water was getting to deep.
i was finding the odd coin & small bits of lead + the usual junk when out pops another 1914 coin a penny wow two 95 year old coins in one day

so all up i had a great day out even without finding any yellow stuff, i got 124 coins, two silver rings, about 1kg of lead & a pile of cool do-dads to add to the collection.
the loot
[attachment 127562 2009_0523xmas08home0060.JPG]
the lead
[attachment 127563 2009_0523xmas08home0061.JPG]
junk & stuff
[attachment 127564 2009_0523xmas08home0062.JPG]
silver rings
[attachment 127565 2009_0523xmas08home0065.JPG]
silver & copper oldies
[attachment 127566 2009_0523xmas08home0066.JPG]
my best old coins of the day
[attachment 127567 2009_0523xmas08home0067.JPG]