Are there any user manuals, other than the manual included with the machine, that gives beach hunting info specific to the BHID 300? Maybe something that talks about mineralization and its affects on the BHID 300? Is the BHID 300 an East Coast machine like I've read or would it be effective in this Wyoming mineralized soil? Registers -95 on the XLT and 83 to 89 on the F-75.
Using my 1280X at the local beach, I found globs of black sand (magnetite) on the magnets I put in the bottom of the scoop. Although I know that a PI would handle the soil better, I'm really interested in the BHID 300. Below the approx. 6" to 8" of sand/gravel is a clay layer, grey mucky but firm, that I believe holds some good stuff. I'm also looking down the road toward spending some time on the Southeastern beaches where the soil is not quite so hot.
Had considered getting a new land machine but between my F-75 and XLT I've got that covered. I need a water machine that discriminates if I want it to but also has pinpoint. Getting better at recovering stuff with the 1280X but the BHID 300 looks like exactly what I need. Might have to hunt in All Metal with the BHID 300 but the lights can give me a heads up on iron. Will probably get one from my local dealer.
Up until about a week ago I thought the B. H. ID referred to in the posts was a Bounty Hunter. Glad I checked into it.
Using my 1280X at the local beach, I found globs of black sand (magnetite) on the magnets I put in the bottom of the scoop. Although I know that a PI would handle the soil better, I'm really interested in the BHID 300. Below the approx. 6" to 8" of sand/gravel is a clay layer, grey mucky but firm, that I believe holds some good stuff. I'm also looking down the road toward spending some time on the Southeastern beaches where the soil is not quite so hot.
Had considered getting a new land machine but between my F-75 and XLT I've got that covered. I need a water machine that discriminates if I want it to but also has pinpoint. Getting better at recovering stuff with the 1280X but the BHID 300 looks like exactly what I need. Might have to hunt in All Metal with the BHID 300 but the lights can give me a heads up on iron. Will probably get one from my local dealer.
Up until about a week ago I thought the B. H. ID referred to in the posts was a Bounty Hunter. Glad I checked into it.