Last week early in the morning I couldn't sleep.I was in pain.The back of my jaw hurt,maybe a bad tooth or TMJ.My vacation days were used up,and I had to call in sick and make a visit to my Doctor.The symptoms pain in the jaw and limitations in jaw movement.The Doctor's diagnosis an infection(unlikely) or a closed off saliva grand(most likely),which would require surgery.The Doctor prescribed an anti biotic and said surgery would probably be the only option.After three days of taking the medication my jaw seemed a little better.Today I loaded the Fisher and gear in the car,after work on the way home I would search a park.This triggered a thought.I remembered when my brother wanted me to play golf on a visit to Virginia.I must have hit a thousand of those plastic practice balls before playing two rounds of golf.A day later I had bad chest pains on my left side.I didn't mention this to my wife or parents.Anyway,the drive back to Michigan I figured out why I had chest pains on the left side.I'm left handed and that's the side I swing off of(my wife pissed when I explained why I was so relieved).The headphones I have been using are the free ones I got from the big K Company.These headphones are very small in the ear cuffs and won't expand far enough to be comfortable for an adult.Finally that was the cause of the TMJ symptoms.The free headphones cost a day wages plus 65.00 office visit 5.00 gas,total 320.00.The relief of knowing surgery won't be required priceless. HH Ron