Fellow MD'ers- Beware of a thief named Drew Lewis of Jackson Tenn. Advertised on a Metal detecting classifieds page on Facebook, selling coils, pinpointers and headphones. Seemed legit. Asked for a postal money order for a NEL coil. Gave me a phone number and mailing address. I sent payment he received it and now he refuses to communicate with me, ignores my emails and text and his phone all of a sudden is now out of order and is not shipping the coil. He has used the internet and the US Mail to do fraud and theft. I'm about to bring the law, postal inspector, FBI, State of Tenn and his local police. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS CROOK!!! If you know him, please let me know and tell him I am not fooling around, eitther send me the coil or return my money cause he can run but he cannot hide, he's about to meet the heat!!