Some people are tick magnets...I'm one of em...I once had 17 of the things dug into me on my back and neck after an hour hike. They will also find me in the house and attack or be crawling around on me. Skeeters love me too...its the dangdest thing. I just sort of deal with it as the season comes along. When West Nile virus was killing people up here from the skeeters, and my brother got Lyme disease from a tick, it made me a little uncomfortable. But hey, a fellow cant stay inside forever, so I just took my chances and dodged a couple of bullets using off the shelf OFF. I did send a tick in to have it checked, since it left a wierd red welt on me, but it was negative. You are not supposed to use any chemical to remove them, and try not to squeeze them when you are pulling them off, you dont want whats in them inside of you...just sort of flip them over on their back and scrape them gently until you can get a grip on them near their head and then pull.
Skeeters like the shade, deer flys like the sun, ticks the grass, or edges of trails in the sun. little monsters all trying to get a free meal off the man!