Agree ... I should have more carefully bounded the statement.
My thoughts were within the Tesoro range, Compadre, Silver uMax, Cibola, Vaquero or older series used. That puts street price range of $150 to $420 new and keeps them all light.
I have Fisher CZ's that don't go to the tot lot often since I've found they don't see small chains very well even in autoTune (all metal) and are a little heavy too. The Tesoros I have (Compadre, Cibola, and Tejon) see the small chains pretty well. Discrimination needs to be set not higher than iron or go all metal to really hit the finer link small chains.
I mostly take the Cibola that is modified to put the ground balance on the front panel to the tot lot. Compadre is second choice for the tot lots. Often I'll take two detectors, the Compadre and either the modified Cibola or Tejon so I have ground balance adjustment if needed.
There is one school yard near me that has a wood chipped area that has equipment poles from previous swing sets cut off about 4 to 6 inches down that the Cibola and Tejon sound off on way too well but the Compadre discriminates them out cleanly at the iron mark and then it just flat finds stuff.
For the price the Compadre is pretty impressive. It does not get the most tot lot time for me, but it is close and I'm not planning on selling it.