I especially rely on my various favored White's Target ID models because, for me, many sites I hunt I like to have that information. I don't rely heavily on it, I just like to have it and Tesoro doesn't make a good TID model to handle higher mineralized ground where I usually hunt in several western US states. I also use some Teknetics TID units.
That said, and knowing that my MXT Pro or the M6 or any of the Classic series models can handle the iron nail infested sites pretty well, I
always rely on an actual in-the-field comparison, or reliable field-test scenario, where I use a Tesoro model when I am learning strengths and weaknesses for hunting in iron trash. This is especially true with it is the more typical iron nail littered sites which, for some frustrating reason, always seem to exist where I end up going.
swkimball85 said:
Whats the best tesoro for use in iron, trash, depth, and so on.
In my opinion, there are two classes of iron trash. Smaller iron, such as the abundant iron nails, and larger-size iron which could be hunks of rusty tin, farm implement parts, old stove parts, etc., etc. Big Iron is always going to be the biggest problem, simple because it is big and can mask most of the desired smaller-size targets we want.
Iron Nails, however, are the biggest offenders at home sites, ghost towns, renovation work, etc. My personal preference is to
never use more Discrimination that it take to just slightly reject common Iron Nails. Sometimes, I use less and just recover them from very productive sites.
ALL Tesoro Discriminators, from the Inca and 'original' Silver Sabre of 1983 right up to today can handle Iron nails to some degree. The best at hunting quieter in dense Iron nail litter are the earlier Tesoro's, the ones before the Bandido II