I have gone from using a Tiger Shark to an Excal. I bought a nice used one from another member here. The Tiger has been great, and I will continue to use it. I took the Excal out yesterday, and found around 1.50 in change, and some tabs. No nickels, foil, or hairpins(which I'm always digging with the Tiger). I use low disc. on the Tiger, and it still finds very small junk, but that's ok with me. On the Excal, I had it in disc. mode with low threshold, and the disc. knob barely on. I don't know much about the PP mode, but I assume that's all metal. Should the Excal hit on small gold rings in disc. mode with the disc. knob turned down as low as it goes, or should I be in PP mode? Thanks for any tips. BTW, I am using the 10" standard coil.