Hey, peeps! Though I'm a member of two clubs, I'm more of a loner when detecting. I pretty much stick to tot lots...and the area surrounding them. My problem is that the standard coil, though it works great in open ground...is a pain when working in and around the playground equipment. From what I can tell, it picks up metal posts that are a full FOOT away! Using the back of the coil isn't usually doable because of cramped space.
My question is: Of the coils that are available for the ATP, which one would be more likely to allow me to work more easily in that kind of environment? I'd like to get closer to the metal posts without the ATP giving off erroneous signals. HELP!
My question is: Of the coils that are available for the ATP, which one would be more likely to allow me to work more easily in that kind of environment? I'd like to get closer to the metal posts without the ATP giving off erroneous signals. HELP!