Okay, Here is the story. I was working a rainbow Vacuum show with my wife Thursday night. My tooth broke. In was hurting very bad. I called Mike for some prayers. I record the 700 Club everyday then watch it when I get home. My tooth was killing me so I ask down to watch the 700 club. Hoping it would take my mind off my tooth. It got to the pray part. I put my hand on my face where my tooth was hurting. Praying with Gordon. The last pray he said was " Someone has his hand on a tooth that is hurting. God is healing it now. He is taking the infection away. I claimed the prayer. My tooth was still hurting. But I believed his was for me. About half hour or so longer. Told my wife I was going to try to sleep with the pain. Funny, Within 5 mins I was asleep. Did not wake up till the next morning. No Pain at all. Then went to have it fixed. That were able to put it because it had no infection in it at all. I told the doc what had happen. He smiled and said. God is great. He said that it should have been infected. They pulled in Friday morning. Still no pain !!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!! Thanks for your prayers. Jeff