Katrina comes to visit. However I did not invite her, she is coming somewhere just the same. Guess we'll stick around here. We are a few miles inward from the Ms sound, and we have barrier islands to protect our coast. If it goes to New Orleans, that would not be good. They depend on massive pumps to keep them from being flooded out. Oh by the way, our trip to 6 Flags was great. Everyone survived. I rode every roller coaster they had. Some more than once. I thought they had some thrills. It was fun. My deacon buddy said I was fearless. I had to talk him into riding stuff he didn't want to. Heck, even some of the kids were afraid. Hey, I ain't skeered. Really, we had a great time. Can't wait to do it again. Our next trip, though problaby adults, will be to Vicksburg to the Civil War battlefeild. God bless you all!