Mike Bearden
And ... after reading some of the latest post and viewing some of the finds I feel compelled to write a little something. These are only my opinions so take it with a grain of salt from a guy who is bored and getting older by the minute 
As for the post regarding folks selling off their X-Terras and the reasoning behind their decisions, well I'm sure it's all been covered, from lack of coil sizes to many just simply not willing to put in the time to LEARN a new detector. I can however tell within the first 20 hours or so of using a new detector whether I'm going to like it or not.
Is the X-Terra a WORTHY machine ? It SURE is ! I've found over 300 pieces of silver since their release and I'm surely NOT in typical silver finding areas like some folks are up North. Many nice pieces of jewelry have seen the light of day with the X-Terra too, my Wife can vouch for that
I've still got one of EVERYTHING that's been released for the X-Terra line and have many, many hours with these combinations. I even accumulated a few extra units along the way out of enthusiasm but have since started selling/trading them off.
It's just a way of life for me to try different detectors but also to stay with them at least until I'm proficient with it and then make my judgement call for what works for me.
Lest face it, some folks simply live where the finds are to be made and would be successful hunting Grizzly bears with a broom stick while others never seem to find their niche no matter what they use or where they use it.
I for one do NOT believe that all $500 detectors are basically the same or up and down the money scale dollar for dollar. Neither do I pretend to believe that a Ace 250 can compete with a X-Terra, none that I've used anyway. Not taking anything away from Garrett but in my opinion you have to climb the Garrett ladder all the way up to the 1350 to actually make that comparison, especially when comparing build quality between Minelabs and Garrett.
But ain't it wonderful that we ALL have our OPINIONS, different makes and models and the price ranges to go with them to make us all happy campers. I can't think of any brand I haven't purchased and spent some time with over the last 25 years and all were learning experiences, some good, some bad.
But getting back to the X-Terra, Minelab can only expect to continue seeing their new product line in the classifieds until the dust settles. It's to be expected for any new detector that hits the market and Minelab has sold a huge amount of X-Terras.
Minelab is a hard act to follow but not the only show in town obviously so in closing this longass post I'll say that I enjoy my Tesoro, Whites, Nautilus, and yes even a Garrett's every now and then too
Good Hunting
As for the post regarding folks selling off their X-Terras and the reasoning behind their decisions, well I'm sure it's all been covered, from lack of coil sizes to many just simply not willing to put in the time to LEARN a new detector. I can however tell within the first 20 hours or so of using a new detector whether I'm going to like it or not.
Is the X-Terra a WORTHY machine ? It SURE is ! I've found over 300 pieces of silver since their release and I'm surely NOT in typical silver finding areas like some folks are up North. Many nice pieces of jewelry have seen the light of day with the X-Terra too, my Wife can vouch for that
I've still got one of EVERYTHING that's been released for the X-Terra line and have many, many hours with these combinations. I even accumulated a few extra units along the way out of enthusiasm but have since started selling/trading them off.
It's just a way of life for me to try different detectors but also to stay with them at least until I'm proficient with it and then make my judgement call for what works for me.
Lest face it, some folks simply live where the finds are to be made and would be successful hunting Grizzly bears with a broom stick while others never seem to find their niche no matter what they use or where they use it.
I for one do NOT believe that all $500 detectors are basically the same or up and down the money scale dollar for dollar. Neither do I pretend to believe that a Ace 250 can compete with a X-Terra, none that I've used anyway. Not taking anything away from Garrett but in my opinion you have to climb the Garrett ladder all the way up to the 1350 to actually make that comparison, especially when comparing build quality between Minelabs and Garrett.
But ain't it wonderful that we ALL have our OPINIONS, different makes and models and the price ranges to go with them to make us all happy campers. I can't think of any brand I haven't purchased and spent some time with over the last 25 years and all were learning experiences, some good, some bad.
But getting back to the X-Terra, Minelab can only expect to continue seeing their new product line in the classifieds until the dust settles. It's to be expected for any new detector that hits the market and Minelab has sold a huge amount of X-Terras.
Minelab is a hard act to follow but not the only show in town obviously so in closing this longass post I'll say that I enjoy my Tesoro, Whites, Nautilus, and yes even a Garrett's every now and then too
Good Hunting