Gulfhunter - Ispired me to show all my diggings!
1 Hour and 9 min for these finds
The next three hours diddn't produce any gold.
Man I was happy when I saw the 14K - 12 Diamond wedding band pop out!
But the 24K Necklace and pendant makes me want to quit my day job
Oh wait this is my day Job: Im self employed - Home by noon
I diddnt know they made 24k Jewlery
I going to post close ups of the Necklace on another post.
Hope I inspire you guys - gold is where you find it!!
Grid it and dig it!!
I'm going over areas hit hard by other coil swingers -
But there not using the 14" Excelerator Coil - So Sad - NOTTT!
HH Mrchile
[attachment 25479 24KNecklace043.jpg]
[attachment 25480 12DiamondBand013.jpg]
[attachment 25481 12DiamondBand017.jpg]
[attachment 25482 24KNecklace013.jpg]
[attachment 25483 24KNecklace006.jpg]
[attachment 25484 24KNecklace007.jpg]