went out today and fought mother nature. It was a nice 28 degrees with a little wind. first good find of the day was this 10K ring found by an old tennis court. Nice way to start the day. Then things dried up. Managed a little clad, but nothing old for a while. I was thinking to myself that it sure would be nice to atleast find a wheatie and then shortly I get a nice tone and hitting in the 30's. Out pops an 1884 indian. Took about 2 steps and another hit. Picked up the second of the tribe. 1901. Started getting late and was working back to the car and I get a scratchy signal that is mixed with iron. The numbers were all over, but would occasionally jump up and then become erratic again. Decided to dig this one and out come the 3rd indian and the hole has 3 nails in it. I tried to find a silver, but it just did not happen today, but still happy to be digging.
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