Tvr, you are wright ,listen i love to dig everything hardly ever used disc ,all metal auto 99% of the time and i do dig the low tone iron ,only took the fz12.5 out once with the cz70pro ,the f75 i still havnt mastered ,thier is a second run on the f75Ltds so if you wanted one they will be available ,me i am waiting for the new fisher machine ,and waiting for the next excalibur version after the excal2 to come out maybe better than bbs technology These machines are high $ so im getting picky lol Post your post on the Sunray forum, hopefully Sunray gets the hint to bring back the 12.5 sunray invader coil ,The mine lab excaliburs have that sweet gold sound tone ,gold is over$ 1100 a oz ,they dont like iron at all ,also ive been reading on some other forums ,people are having problems with the cz21 and have not used them long ,never the less my choice for water hunting is the Excalibur ny ,Excalibur blue 8 inch coils ,will wait for new water machine to come out above and beyond the excalibur 2 ,take care happy hunting Big Earl Maryland