seem to differ in the laws,as mentioned.I live in Massachusetts.I also own a house on a tidal river.Some of my yard is fill,and extends past the Highwater mark on Paper.The fill was yrs ago,by prior owners.I also have a pier with pilings,and catwalk to a 28' float.About 8 or 9 yrs ago,Some jerk,in gov't,brought to light,an old law,over 100 yrs old,stating something to the effect,that ANY tidal waters,with fill,piers,dwellings etc.must have a STATE PERMIT.This also includes ponds,lakes,streams etc. Massachusetts gave landowners two year amnesty to get a PERMIT.Know why? $$$$$$!! I did fill out the forms,and have a permit. But one consession listed is,You have to post a sign on both ends of your property,stating something like"Public Way" or "Access" through the effected ways.No one does,except if its a condo complex,or a even a boat yard.They have to post it. My brother lives on a large lake,has a pier.Had to get permit. If i want to do ANYTHING to my house,like a DECK,or connecting to public sewerage,I need to apply to Conservation Committee first,then to CityHALL for a permit,AND file with the State DEP! ANYone within 200 feet of water need to go through this process. So I feel ANYONE should have access along ANY waters,& beaches! Why not Hunt and enjoy! You can't harm the sand or mud. (THeir are propertys that are DEEDED to the LOW WATER MARK) just my two cents....