My first piece of advice is be very careful if there's wave action and never turn your back on a wave.
That could be a very expensive mistake.
In the wet packed sand, I'm pretty much able to run very hot. Run the sensitivity to the point of it being unstable and back off until you have a steady threshold. If you are in the water at all, expect to hear some falsing from the wave / water movement and you'll have to back off a bit. Where I hunt, there's very little trash in that shallow surf / wet packed sand area so I just hunt in IM-14 although I sometimes just run all metal -16...
I dig everything that's not iron; even if it's an "iffy" signal. You just never know. I've dug a couple of very small gold rings, chains, stud earrings, that sounded like garbage.
Deep on
Fast off
Audio 2 (I happen to prefer it to audio 1)
Limits / variability; I've been playing with Cody's setup of just 3 tones. Interesting. However, since there's so little trash, it really doesn't make a difference since you're digging just about anything anyway.
Gain: Usually between 5 and 7
Get to the beach about 2 hours before low tide; look for negative tides. Go real slow and swing real low. I like to do a little zig-zag along the shore until I hit some targets. If I'm hitting quarters that are green or look like they've been buried for a while I try to work that line. You'll find (if you look back at your holes) that they line up along the shore in almost a straight line. Listen for the fainter deep hits.
Hope you have a nice big, strong scoop. Be prepared to dig some insane depths at the beach. It's quite remarkable.