Doesn't matter much..most fellows go at Low tide, but by dang I'd go anytime there was a chance.. you can get good "reading" a beach, looking for troughs, shells and whatnot...unless you get good at reading a beach, its just a matter of covering real estate and paying attention so you will keep getting better the more you do it...if you happen to be into a lot of lead sinkers and nickles, you are in the right spot. Dig EVERYTHING! Its pretty brutal, miles and miles of wading and swinging with nary a chest deep water, you can crouch down up to your neck and really get a very wide comfortable swing pattern going...when your elbow joint wears out, (and they will if you are forcing it) try a herringbone swing pattern, where you are not swinging, but sort of pushing and pulling the detector out in front of you at 45 degrees and from side to side. Good Luck!