Active member
Had a good time at the beach today and even found a few interesting items; spent 5 hrs in the wash zone and in water up to chest high.
A web cam of the beach showed a gathering the day before; I suspected it was religious related. As a consequence, I decided to look closely at that section of beach. On the wet sand found a “JESUS” ring at CTX coordinates 12:02. This is a coordinate typically associated with small light foil.
[attachment 365373 Jesusring.jpg]
As I maneuvered through the other metal detectorists swarming the beach and surf, I snagged this sterling silver 8” Tennis bracelet in 4 ft of water. Based on the tarnish, it had been there for a while.
[attachment 365374 Sterlingbracelet8inandJesusRing.jpg]
The bracelet also registered 12:02 on my CTX 3030, a coordinate typically associated with light pieces of foil. The only reason I dug it was because I was in water and it was as quiet as outer space (because of lack of targets). Lucky me. I’ll have to pay attention to those 12:02s in the future.
Found my first iPhone this week, or what is left of one. The CTX coordinates fluctuated and I was convinced it was junk. Glad I dug it. Found a Galaxy phone last year in fair shape but water logged. Threw it out and later learned that these water-logged phones are worth a few bucks at least and perhaps several hundred. Not sure if the iPhone is worth anything.
Earlier in the week, I was digging what was sure to be a quarter when I snagged this cute heart ring made of 10k gold, silver and diamonds. The ring registered 12-13:44; typical dime or quarter territory. When I briefly looked at the ring on discovery, I saw it was marked 10k, figuring it was white and yellow gold. When I got home, I again looked at the ring and only saw 925, and thought I had misread the 925 as 10k (as I was clearing away the tears of joy when I found it). I soon found that the ring was marked 10k on one side and 925 on the other side. I do find silver rings typically in the 13:43-45 range but never find small gold rings in the area (usually below 12:34). So I guess in this case the silver dominated the coordinates.
[attachment 365375 Gold10kheartwsilveranddiamonds.jpg]
On the same hunt I also found this Native American dollar coin at 13:46-47, my first. You don’t come across dollar coins, any dollar coins, on Florida beaches. Based on my stats, finding a dollar coin is somewhere like 10,000:1.
[attachment 365377 NativeAmericancoin.jpg]
One interesting (read: STUPID) thing about the one dollar coin is that it is NOT dated. What? Yap, not dated! Had to get a coin book and look-up when it was minted (2010).
Last week was also a good week when I found this silver (925) ring with clear stones (haven’t tested for diamonds, yet) at 12:34.
[attachment 365376 Silveranddiamondsband.jpg]
These types of rings, with gold and channel diamonds, seem to be very popular rings based on how many I have found over the years.
Finally, can’t forget to mention the gold (?) “eye” pendant I found at 12:14-15; a coordinate typically associated with pull-tabs, foil and the occasional nickel. Well, I guess you never really know.
[attachment 365378 EyePendant.jpg]
Happy Hunting